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You know it's really bad when the flags are at half mast and you can't figure out what recent tragedy it's for.


Also, if you have an Executive Director that makes six figures, it's too late.

Random comment: if the first priority and main concern of your #nonprofit is "how can we raise more money" rather than "how can we serve our community", then you've lost touch with your purpose. You've got to serve the community first, and not prioritize things by how much money that activity brings in. (yes, you have to keep your nonprofit going... but mission, first).

Gonna go with
"Because we have no social safety net ensuring that we die pretty quickly unless we have a steady form of income", Derek.

Now Hiring: 21st century Earth Lead Database Administrators for Starfleet Engineering (Legacy Systems). Successful candidates will be trained in Transporter Targeting (Access Panels) systems at Deep Space 5. Benefits include lifetime Federation-standard spatio-temporal post-scarcity counselling services, healthcare, housing and fulfilment of basic needs.

Individuals must consent to irrevocable temporal displacement. #StarTrek #StarfleetCareers #AskUsAboutStarfleet

Looks like people sell modules that let you fit a USB connector into a case and pcb designed for a DE-9 connector.

I just saw one of these for USB-C on a device.


Fay isn't trans, it's Claire that's trans.

Emmit's gender hasn't been discussed.


It was the most original story I've read in a long time.

Reading Andy Weir's latest science fiction novel, Project Hail Mary, and it's excellent. Without giving you too many spoilers, something is threatening the end of all life and the main character is on a suicide mission to avert it. Lots of science, but delightfully easy to read.

What I'm particularly pleased about: this is the first fiction I've read since COVID began that isn't a sequel or something I've read before. For some reason the pandemic stress created a cognitive hurdle for fiction; instead I have read many, many great non-fiction books, often about travel.

Great to be reading new fiction again. Particularly science fiction, the most thought-provoking of the genres IMO.

#Books #Book #Fiction #ScienceFiction @bookstodon

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