
One Nice Thing™ that a account will give you is a way to send and receive direct messages from other wonkers by their (guessing here) Wonkette handle. This allows us to contact each other without revealing personal email addresses.

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@admin Is Wonkodon a closed environment from the rest of Mastodon? Are each servers their own thing?

@RC Yes. What you see on the Local tab is just the tooters that have signed up here. Home is all the local and anything other Mastodon users you follow. Federated is a fed of everything us wonkodoners follow.

@RC Read the thread that @Toka posted. But mostly the answer is yes.

@SchrodingersCat Click the three dots (on desktop) next to a post and select "send direct message". Not sure about other apps, but I don't see a DM option in Tusky.

@admin It's fortunate most of us have used the same handles for simpler identification here, otherwise it would be a bit confusing. (also too, the same avvies)

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