
So the women's team can also stress me out by frittering away a large lead! Plus, a bunch of them were in foul trouble toward the end of the game. But they won, with Charisma Osborne scoring an amaaaaazing 36 points!
I think I need to go lie down now...
💙 💛 🐻 💛 💙

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@TappinLisa One of the worst-officiated games I’ve seen in years. Glad they overcame. #GoBruins #8Clap

Is that why so many of the Bruins (and some Sooners) were in foul trouble? I didn't catch the whole game.

@TappinLisa Yes. It was insane. Horrible calls both ways, but mostly against the Bruins. But Charisma Osborne would not be denied.

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