I figured it out. Threads is just Facebook. That’s it. It’s just Facebook for the people on Insta who think they’re too good for Facebook.

¹And Moses said, "Thus sayeth the Lord: ²You shall not oppress the stranger, for you were strangers once yourself in Egypt." ³And the people grew angry, and said ⁴"O Lord! Why are You teaching us critical race theory?"

It seems to me you lived your life like a candle in the wind. So basically just a constant fire hazard.

I suppose I’m in the minority but I always lick my knife when I’m done.
None of the other surgeons seem to do it.

I just read another news article about why mastodon didn’t make it and is dying. It’s very sad to hear and probably explains why I have to keep adding more server capacity to handle all the people quitting mastodon.

We know in these unprecedented times, you're too busy to enjoy both joy and hope...that's why we've created 'Jope Soda' (tm)
Using the power of science,
we've combined both these feelings into one fantastic beverage, so you can get
them both at once! Enjoy a refreshing Jope Soda today!

Do you think the Super Nintendo Entertainment System and Charles Entertainment Cheese share a common ancestor?

I just found out that Spencer’s Gifts has owned Spirit Halloween since 1999, and suddenly a lot of things make more sense.

Trump is losing support.

Putin is losing support.

Musk is losing support.

At a funeral a man says to the widow, "Madam, may I say a word?"

She replies, "Yes yes, please do."

He stands up slowly, clears his throat, and emphatically declares, "Comprehensive!” He then returns to his seat.

The widow looks at him with tears in her eyes and whispers, "Thank you. That means everything."😭

#DadJokes 😅

Integrity is integrity, regardless of the side of the aisle you stand on.
How it is supposed to be, but sadly, far more often than not, isn't.

After just a month away from #twitter, I'm only now starting to appreciate how extremely damaging these content delivery #algorithms are. The more I talk to younger people about their relationship to #SocialMedia, the more lean towards #policy which would put substantive constraints on companies who knowingly manipulate the human reward/dopaminergic system. The wholesale import of all the vile tools of the casino industry into the distribution of information is truly wrecking our brains.

Mark my words, Twitter will some day have a higher market cap than Tesla.

Also mark my words, Twitter will never have a higher market cap than the day that Elon bought it.

Tetris taught me that trying to fit in will make you disappear.

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