Spiders, closeup 

Photos of orb spiders and wombat berry, taken this morning out my back door, during light rain

Spiders, closeup 

@anathema_device I looooooooove orb weavers

Spiders, closeup 

@frogglin me too! We have a lot of them as well :)

Spiders, closeup 

@anathema_device We get the common ones most years, and then every few years we get an explosion of golden orb weavers and I get very excited.

Spiders, closeup 

@anathema_device ooo these are wonderful.

Spiders, closeup 

@Snu thank you! They are really lovely spiders :)

Spiders, closeup 

@anathema_device very cute AND I’m glad I live in Minnesota

Spiders, closeup 

@crazybutable it's the ones you don't see that you have to worry about :)

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