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So you want to peek into zoomed-in 3d visualizations of X-ray’s of gameboys?

I never judge weird tastes. There you go:

The site uses CT scanning to explore this design philosophy in the evolution of the Game Boy product line and learn its lessons.

#gameboy #XRay #scan #visualization #CT #CTScan #IndustrialDesign #design #UserExperience

How to Catch a Mountain Lion
an illustrative guide

1. Place a cardboard box where the animal frequently visits.
2. Sit back and wait.
3. A cat is a cat is a cat.

If you grew up in the pre-internet era, you might remember the torturous pain of being absolutely obsessed with something (a book, a movie, a writer, a show, a subject of any kind) and not knowing anyone at all in your everyday life who cared about it.

Attention, #comic friends!

Did you see the latest #HumbleBundle with adaptations of works by @neilhimself published by #DarkHorseComics? Check it out! It has work by #PCraigRussell, @ColleenDoran, and more!

Plus, all the content is #DRMFree, so you can read it on any device you want, and it's yours to keep forever.

Did I tell you part of the proceeds go to charity? It's a win-win!

“There are a whole lot of ways to be perfect, and not one of them is attained through punishment.”

Ursula K. Le Guin on the art of growing older and what beauty really means beneath the veneer

Dogs are so funny.

My youngest hound (A Very Good Boy) developed a habit of peeing on this metal fire pit we have in the yard. Not good for the rust etc. So I started peeing around it twice a week, knowing that he wouldn't scent over me.

He stopped peeing there.

But when other dogs come around, the fire pit is like a magnet to them and they try to pee on it, so he sticks his head underneath them and flips them over when they try, to stop them.

Because "that's not allowed"

On the Icelandic fediverse/Mastodon I've started seeing people using the word "tútta" for "toot". "tútta" (pronounced toot-ta) is normally a slang term for a boob/tit.

Please reboob this.

Accidentally made a poll while trying to figure out the controls.

Accidentally made a poll while trying to figure out the controls.


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