Unable to compete with your endearing personal pet pics, we present:

Historic Jobsite Bobcats of Mastodon!



That feels like a big step. I'm not sure I'm ready.

Edit/ Okay, fine.

@glasspusher @Biff52 @AlterNewt Alternating sun and light rain here today. Sunny enough for an afternoon walk.

@12thRITS @Biff52 @AlterNewt we had wind and rain all night, but there was a break about noon. I got in a run, ate lunch, and it started raining again around 2. Got down to 38F last night. Peak wind of 38 mph

@glasspusher @12thRITS @AlterNewt
We had periods of rain, snow, wind, and times with a lack of those elements. Never saw the sun today, does that count as an eclipse?

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