@Bman No doubt that cars are very dangerous for pedestrians.
My point was to highlight how unsafe we are now on the sidewalks of the city and in Central Park.
Rules exist : stop at the red light and do not ride on the sidewalks. Unfortunately, they are not enforced.


Cyclists not following the rules is a tired trope.

Cyclists follow the rules just as much as any other road user. Drivers are speeding nonstop, double parking, running red lights and stop signs, driving drunk, watching movies while driving, etc.

I love pedestrians but I've never seen a pedestrian wait at a crosswalk. (FYI, I don't think they should have to but that is against the law)

And as to your initial point. I'm not sure there has been one pedestrian fatality due to citibike.

@Bman I am afraid to disagree with you on how dangerous bikes are on the sidewalks.
Too many do not comply with this basic rules.


I can't stand cyclists on the sidewalk.

But it's important to understand the root cause: The cyclist doesn't want get run over by a car and die.

Once the bidirectional bike lane on prospect park west was installed, almost nobody rode on the sidewalk.

@Bman @tmalesys do you feel the same ire toward cars parking in bike lanes, rolling through stop signs without stopping, or the cultural norm of exceeding speed limits?

@tmalesys @Bman And of course the rules about riding on sidewalks never will be enforced as long as NYPD believes sidewalks are for parking not pedestrians.

@AndyHat @tmalesys

Funny tidbit: Right after this exchange, this van drove past me on the sidewalk. 🙃


@Bman @AndyHat @tmalesys

Fatalities are in the table above, so here are plots for injuries — and red light enforcement.

Can’t tell if we are talking about CB7 or CB8, so here are pics for both.

I need to buy a domain and post these all someplace.

Both neighborhoods, cars are the things causing 80-90% injuries, too… and yet, NYPD gives up to half the red light tickets to bikes.

NYPD stopped enforcing traffic laws in 2020 & has yet to return to pre-covid levels.

@tmalesys @Bman @AndyHat ...and also *extremely* common. A daily occurrence next to my kid's previous public school in Long Island City.

@Bman @tmalesys Oh, that's useful. I've been wondering how common bike/ped fatalities are. Looks like almost exactly a ratio of 150:1 cars to bikes.

@Bman @tmalesys
we should notice that its FATALITIES. now count injuries and rank by severity. I would take a bike crash over a car crash any day.

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