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A new day. A new chance to succeed.

Funny word, succeed.

I've had the work/goal orientation on it almost all my life.

Early on it was "get good grades" and later on it was "stay out of Vietnam."

For decades following, it meant keeping my bank account in positive numbers while not starving.

Then "more words" and "next book" and ...

Always chasing something.

Then cancer and everything changed.

Now, success is another day just being.

I hope you find your success #today


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Tony's here to tell you that today is Save the Rhino Day! 🦏 Southern white rhinos are considered near threatened due to poaching. Learn what you can do to support their conservation in the wild or adopt Tony to make a direct impact on his care! t.co/fAaybnzZU8 t.co/o76sXSHPlW
∙ 𝙼𝚊𝚢 𝟷, 𝟸𝟶𝟸𝟺 𝟼:𝟺𝟽𝙿𝙼 ∙

External URL(s) in tweet:

#zoo #animals #phillyzoo

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"Proper effort is not the effort to make something particular happen. It is the effort to be aware and awake each moment" - Ajahn Chah

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What happens in Ukraine will shape the future of our Union forever. 

People of Ukraine are carrying this heavy burden on their shoulders for all of us and paying the ultimate price every day for that.

They have made their European choice and we have made our Ukrainian choice.

And the decisions we will take in the next months will decide who wins the future of Europe. 

So together, let us stay united. Let us stay strong with Ukraine. And let us stay ambitious on enlargement and reform.

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It's at times like these that it would be better if Elon's Twitter just didn't exist. From the best, most democratic news source in human history to a honeypot for fascism.

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求助, 翻墙软件 Outline-Client.AppImage,连接、断开,无限重复 

衣带渐宽终不悔,为伊消得人憔悴。柳永 《蝶恋花》

受影响的环境: Arch 家族, Fedora-39 家族, Kali,Opensuse-Tumbleweed。

在上述 Linux OS 使用同一版本的 Outline-Client.AppImage, 会出现:连接、断开,无限重复现象。

个人愚蠢地猜测:在2023年某月之后,这些系统更新某个或者某些文件,与 Outline 客户端发生冲突。
因为绝大多数 Debian(Systemd) 家族,最新版本 Linux OS 都可以稳定使用 Outline 客户端;
Debian(Systemd) 家族,目前只发现 Kali 使用 Outline 客户端会出现:连接、断开,无限重复现象。


Arch,改用其他 Linux。
Fedora, 改用 Fedora-38, 直至版本生命结束。版本内更新,不影响使用 Outline。
Kali, 改用 Parrot。
Opensuse, 放弃 Tumbleweed; 改用 Leap, 可以稳定使用 Outline。

Outline-Client.AppImage 下载地址:getoutline.org

reddit 讨论参见以下链接:

#Shadowsocks #Outline
#翻墙 #翻牆 #fanqiang




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Watching this get reactions from more than five people, now the “is somebody going to manage to be offended by this” countdown has begun.

Show thread
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