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(Rewriting my )
💙 🐻 💛 alumna with a alum husband and student son
💕 with and 🗳️
💃 I love to , including , but haven't done much since COVID turned everything upside-down! 🙃

*New Show* Announcement for #labr #loveabrotherradio

We are over the moon, at welcoming our newest LIVE labr/love a brother radio collective member.

On Monday the 6th of May, at 8pm (BST)
We formally welcome @DJDarren to our weekly line up, with his very popular show #theplaylist - open format

Darren played for the now defunct station called The Bear. We stumbled across one of his former shows, and thought. This show is so good, we can't let it end.


Brand New on #labr #loveabrotherradio

1. @enoent - Boot Loop 06

2. Ken Walker - The Workshop 48

3. DJ Diginyah - Diginyah Mind and Soul 29

4. Divine Ellison - The Greasy Spoon 126

5. DJ Dubsativa - From Spain with Love 57

6. By Request: Re-issue @brothersoul Brother Soul - Midweek Workday Chill Mix 139 (kpop Edition 1)

7. @dgar & @brothersoul - Pick & Mix 02

#radio #fediradio #replay
#communityradio #dj #mixes #fediwave #nowPlaying #np

Your second daily reminder that forced birthers hate women:
Texas man files legal action to probe ex-partner’s out-of-state abortion
The previously unreported petition reflects a potential new antiabortion strategy to block women from ending their pregnancies in states where abortion is legal.

it's weird seeing cops talk about college-age kids knowing how to barricade doors. like, i'm 36 and i was taught how to do that in middle school. we did 'shooter preparedness drills' once a month.

Maybe women would rather encounter a bear than a man because bears don't get all butthurt about hypothetical situations and then endlessly pester them to mansplain why women are wrong about their experience and are actually "reverse sexists" for taking common-sense safety precautions.

Reminder that Amazon and Space X are fighting in court to have the NLRB declared unconstitutional.

This means the two richest men on earth want to dismantle the government agency that holds them accountable for union busting.

Nothing terrifies them more than worker power.

Yesterday, writer Jay Kuo explored how to talk to our liberal friends about President Biden and the Israel Gaza conflict. Tomorrow, we sit down with Ari Berman, author of Minority Rule, to discuss how to combat the GOP's anti-democratic power plays. Make sure that you don't miss a thing by checking out This Week in the Big Picture:

IDK if they are overconfident or incompetent (I know both are possible), but OK...
RNC-Trump Campaign Field Program Runs Aground

Trump to swing through 2 battleground states for 1st time since start of criminal hush money trial
"Former President Donald Trump is back on the campaign trail, hitting two battleground states Wednesday after severe weather and his legal calendar have prevented him from holding his traditional campaign stops for weeks"
Yeah...and all the golfing Donald did had nothing to do with it. Fuck you, @abcnews

A good start.

While reasonable people can differ on the health effects (both positive and negative) of marijuana, what is clear is that alcohol and tobacco are far worse for human health and it is time to end the senseless criminalization of marijuana use which has ultimately been a massive waste of resources with an outsized negative effect on minorities and mass incarceration.

Biden administration plans to reclassify marijuana, easing restrictions nationwide:

This Week on #labr #loveabrotherradio

//Wednesday 21.00 - 23.00 BST
The Workshop with Ken Walker - Disco Remixes

23.00 00.00 BST
Midweek Workday Chill Mix w/ @brothersoul - openform

//Thursday 23.00 - 00.00 BST
Pick & Mix LIVE with @dgar & @brothersoul - openform

00.00 - 02.00 BST
DigInYah Mind & Soul LIVE with DJ DigInYah - House


Tonight on #labr #loveabrotherradio

//Sunday BST

22.00 - 23.00
Boot Loop LIVE with @enoent dnb, & jungle

23.00 00.00
Sunday Night Soul LIVE with @brothersoul Brother Soul

Stop in for a chat.

#radio #fediradio #communityradio #live #music #dj #mixes #house #dnb #jungle #nowPlaying #np #fediwave

I can't believe I even have to say this, but it is not normal that the Supreme Court is taking its sweet time to decide if the president can incite an insurrection to overturn an election and maintain power. This should have been decided already. The answer is no!

Free tax filing finally

Your job is to TALK IT UP. ‼️

…"the pilot program of the IRS enabled filing tax returns directly for free.

Program had 140, 803 users, got positive ratings, and saved users an estimated $5.6 mil in tax prep fees.

Bharat Ramamurti wrote "As this program grows, most people will get pre-populated forms and be able to file with a few clicks in a few minutes.” (Para)

Other countries already use this system."

#thanksJoe! #economy #media #news

The (ridiculous) "logic" of the OLC's claim you can't prosecute a *sitting* president is that it would be a distraction that prevents them from carrying out their official duties. But once OUT of office when they are no longer busy making life & death decisions, they can be prosecuted.

That argument was ALREADY specious considering AN IMPEACHMENT WOULD ALSO BE A HUGE DISTRACTION while a potus is making "life & death" decisions.

And they had NO prob hunting Bill Clinton for 6 years.

When #TheOrangeMenace was first impeached, the OLC ("Office of Legal Council") claimed sitting presidents can't be prosecuted.

#Mueller said that if that's the case, then he "absolutely can be prosecuted upon leaving office". Presumably, it was the only check left to stop a #Potus from breaking the law while in office.

NOW, his lawyers are trying to argue he can't be prosecuted AFTER leaving office either for things he did while potus. 😒 #NoOneIsAboveTheLaw

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