@TidalFlats @edwilk @Biff52

good solid late season rain here. 23 mm and still coming down!

@glasspusher @Biff52 @TidalFlats @edwilk

I thought you said F was for Faraday. I don't know WHAT to believe anymore!

@AlterNewt @Biff52 @TidalFlats @edwilk

also that rain brings us to 700 mm for the year, which is pretty good around here

edit: for the "rain season" which starts July 1 here

@AlterNewt @glasspusher @Biff52 @edwilk
I still think that the, er, *Cosmopolitan* Intellectualist vibe was deliberate.

@glasspusher @AlterNewt @Biff52 @TidalFlats @edwilk Cycles/second. Audio nerd stuff. Not sure why old Heinrich got the honor.

@TidalFlats @12thRITS @AlterNewt @Biff52 @edwilk

I remember seeing the Potrzebie in MAD, didn't know its pedigree. Outstanding.

Donald Knuth even gets involved!

@TidalFlats @12thRITS @AlterNewt @Biff52 @edwilk

“It also sees use as a metasyntactic variable by hackers"

goodbye foo, bar, baz… hello pot, rze, bie!


@glasspusher @12thRITS @AlterNewt @Biff52 @edwilk

I feel that "Potrzebie" is the System of Weights and Measures we need in these dark times.

@glasspusher @12thRITS @AlterNewt @Biff52 @edwilk
We could be seeing near Earth asteroids masses measured in multiples of Blintz, if only we were brave enough.

@12thRITS @glasspusher @AlterNewt @Biff52 @edwilk

"Although writer Koch intended the game to be completely unplayable, some colleges attempted to form teams and play the game."

This is the can-do spirit that makes America great.

@TidalFlats @glasspusher @AlterNewt @Biff52 @edwilk So long ago. Makes me wonder about my life's journey from the polo fields of Oakbrook to a (mercifully brief) career as a tire buster at the downtown May D&F tire center in Denver.

@12thRITS @glasspusher @AlterNewt @Biff52 @edwilk
I've seen a lot of road, been and done many things:some great, some fun, some weird and frankly stupid. Never had fun mounting tires, even with those machines.

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@AlterNewt @glasspusher @TidalFlats @Biff52 @edwilk Nah, Roll-roofing in Denver--as a DIY thing is my worst top-of-building experience.

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@glasspusher @12thRITS @AlterNewt @Biff52 @edwilk
Cumberland county, N.J. August. Walking transects through the Greenhead-filled salt marsh, locating potholes full of mosquito larvae, ripping open little pre- measured glassene packs of (extremely fine, extremely potent, extremely purple) Giemsa histio stain powder and dosing them for a mark and recapture study.

@glasspusher @12thRITS @AlterNewt @Biff52 @edwilk
Will, my partner in this misadventure, helpfully reminded me to not pick my nose. We were about halfway through and I looked up. " Face it, Will. You're Purple."
We were purple for weeks.

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@glasspusher @TidalFlats @12thRITS @AlterNewt @Biff52 @edwilk

Janitor at aerospace electronics plant with [many] toilets featuring 30 stalls.

However, as an SEIU member I was paid more than the [disorganized-going-it-solo] people assembling the flight data recorders etc. Proper compensation for a literal shit job. :-)

@Doug_Bostrom @TidalFlats @12thRITS @AlterNewt @Biff52 @edwilk

One summer was a janitor intern at the pharmaceutical company my dad worked at. One week cleaning the dregs of the cellar of an old pilot plant was about the worst assignment that summer

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@Doug_Bostrom @glasspusher @TidalFlats @AlterNewt @Biff52 @edwilk Just goes to show you that getting paid is not the main reason to work.

If you're rich.

Although I've noticed the Riches of my acquaintance are fussier than anybody about getting their money's worth

@glasspusher @TidalFlats @12thRITS @AlterNewt @Biff52 @edwilk
It's a toss-up between encyclopedia sales phone bank and perfume factory line worker. None of the nasty DIY jobs qualify, because I was my own boss.

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