But seriously, the trunk Vuitton and the Dior gown… an LVMH Olympic show!

Tonight was Teatro Nuovo's wonderful second evening, with the somewhat more familiar Bellini I Capuleti e i Montecchi

#music #opera #TeatroNuovo #RoseHall

@tmalesys you'd have to ask your admin, @admin, considering they haven't posted in 4 months, I doubt you'll get a response...😬

Tonight is the first night of Teatro Nuovo's always exciting two-show series, Carolina Uccelli's Anna di Resburgo

#music #opera #TeatroNuovo #RoseHall

What happened????
Wonkodon / Mastodon was not functioning for roughly 20 hours ???

I enjoyed immensely the “resurrection” of Anna di Resburgo, an opera by Carolina Ucelli, premiered at the Teatro San Carlo.
What a great, riveting, dramatic and beautiful music!
Same successful trio as for Poliuto a year ago : Chelsea Lehnea, Santiago Balllerini (♥️🖤♥️) and Riccardo José Rivera.

I just watched Kamala's speech in Wisconsin. I don't know about you, fellow Dems, but I'm more excited about a presidential election than I've been in over a decade. I hope she cleans his clock. #Politics #Democrats #Democracy #VoteBlue

I know it's been only a couple of days, but it's already starting to feel a little like 2008, don't you think? #Politics #Democracy #Democrats #VoteBlue

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