I enjoyed immensely the “resurrection” of Anna di Resburgo, an opera by Carolina Ucelli, premiered at the Teatro San Carlo.
What a great, riveting, dramatic and beautiful music!
Same successful trio as for Poliuto a year ago : Chelsea Lehnea, Santiago Balllerini (♥️🖤♥️) and Riccardo José Rivera.

Good morning New York !
It is so heavy with humidity, we cannot see the super tall buildings of Central Park West.

I would NOT recommend this album.
Uninteresting and poor singing most of the time…

is super peaceful and quiet !
Loving it.

Where are the New Yorkers… Upstate and in the Hamptons most likely.

We are both enjoying more livable temperatures after a month of extreme heat and humidity!

Good morning New York! Get ready for a beautiful summer day. It is sunny and just 70 F at 8:00 am.

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