sarafina boosted

"The court’s order means that the Treasury Department may quickly hand over six years of tax records from Trump and some of his companies to the House Ways and Means Committee"

sarafina boosted

"Please," said the man, "can you do magic to make me be kind?"
"No," said the witch. "Magic cannot change anyone's nature."
"So there is no hope for me?"
"You ask the wrong question. Kind is not something you are. It is what you do."
"Is it that simple?"
"It is that hard."
#MicroFiction #SmallStories #TootFic

sarafina boosted

As god emperor of this instance I hereby proclaim that when a Wonkodoner posts a message it shall be known as a woot, not a toot.

sarafina boosted

Doing a bit of an experiment. Please boost if you agree with the following statements.

Trans rights are human rights.

Black lives matter.

No human is illegal.

Love is love.

Their body is their choice.

Science is real.

Kindness is everything.

sarafina boosted
sarafina boosted

@editrix Happy Thanksgiving!
Very grateful for Wonkette, thank you Rebecca.

sarafina boosted
sarafina boosted

The thing I'll miss most about twitter is the bird bots. I hope we get bird bots here.

sarafina boosted

I'm leaving the country tomorrow! I have put it in my head I will do something like yoga on the beach - but I also know myself and realize yoga will be a bloody mary by the pool, away from sand.

sarafina boosted
sarafina boosted
sarafina boosted
sarafina boosted

Who's a Sigourney Weaver fan? This weekend's Movie Night is a double feature.
Galaxy Quest: 6pm PT/9pmET
Ghostbusters: 8pm PT/11pm ET
GQ available for $2.99 on Vudu, Apple TV, Google Play. On the Internet Archives:
GB available on Vudu for $2.99, $3.99 elsewhere.

sarafina boosted
sarafina boosted

For the non-commenters at