It is a complete and udder policy failure that all candidates for federal office are not required to release all tax returns they've ever filed as well as a thorough and independently verified financial disclosure with investment holdings, foreign bank accounts, debt obligations, etc.

And, of course, any person elected or appointed to federal office (including congress people and SCOTUS justices) should be required to liquidate all of their investments & holdings and place the proceeds in a blind trust for the duration of the time they hold Federal office plus, say, 15 years. Anyone not OK with this arrangement should not stand for or accept an appointment to Federal office.


@MadMadMadMadRN I agree with the sentiment, but there is no such thing as a blind trust for wealthy people these days. I'd say just increase the liquidated asset values at the rate of inflation so they don't lose any money while serving, but don't allow any kind of participation in investment markets.

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