@zazzoo @SisterArtemis Indeed. The updates from 3.5.5 to 4.0.2 require database migration. I’m going to wait for v4 to become more mature before I update. And even then I’m going to try to test run using another VM before I do it with the live server.

@milburn @zazzoo
So, how does this work? do you have a dedicated machine? host this thing in the clouds somewhere?

@milburn @SisterArtemis @zazzoo

Including the @admin account so I can type on my keyboard. Milburn is the one on my phone and I hate tiny keyboards.

So the VM is a 2 CPU 4GB Ubuntu Linux server with Digital Oceans' prepackaged Mastodon server. It was surprising easy to set up with AWS S3 storage.

@admin @milburn @zazzoo
you and your silly nomenclature!
I understood "Ubuntu Linux server" and sort of the AWS part....

@SisterArtemis @milburn @zazzoo

Think of those specs as a 10 year old Core2 laptop. You can do a lot of you don't spend your time drawing pictures on a screen (GUI) :)

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