@ziggywiggy I haven't had that happen, though I use the browser version.

@ziggywiggy It should be. Are you using Chrome or Firefox to access the page?

@ziggywiggy @SchrodingersCat I'm equally perplexed. I use Chrome also (right now) but I haven't been away from the instance for 24h yet, so I'll have to see if it does the same to me if I don't log on at all for a day.
The only thing I can think of is that it's set to log out after 24h elapse.

@MateodelSol @ziggywiggy @SchrodingersCat I think I might be something in security settings in the browser but I haven’t been able to figure out what it is. I’ve been having problems with Disqus signing me out on both Chrome and Mozilla on my iPad. Switched to Safari and it never happened again. Ive been logged into Mastodon since last Friday and no issues. No clue if this would apply to your classes it I thought I’d weigh in fwiw.


@BigBoppa @MateodelSol @ziggywiggy @SchrodingersCat

I non-comment on Wonkette with Safari and have had the least issues with Disqus. It will slow down sometimes but it's much more stable.

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@milburn @MateodelSol @ziggywiggy @SchrodingersCat

I'm thinking it might be something with cookies. I know Mozilla has allow cookies turned off by default. Could be the same with Chrome.

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