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Today’s Daily #Wales is a reminder to myself that rain isn’t always lashing against the front of the house, nor is it always blowing a hooley (today’s weather is, um, interesting).

The way onto the beach. Sunshine.

Reminder to go to your local library and volunteer to speak on their behalf. Let them know that if folks try to come and ban books that you'll speak publicly against them.

We found out folks were going to be commenting at our library calling for banning books.


We all went and spoke out against them.

Only one person got up and called for a ban. She went first. Everyone after her started calling out her behavior and telling the library staff to keep the books.

The first woman and a couple others soon left before the end of comments.

Drive them out. Protect our libraries.



Press freedom was thought to be key to a healthy democracy because it fights to uncover the truth, it holds government accountable & informs voters. I guess the founders didn’t take into account greed-soaked media trying to gain audience by lying to their viewers.
It’s irresponsible violation of free press principles for mainstream media in 2024 to pretend Biden is not the ONLY choice.

If you have a couple of minutes to listen to a genius speak about increasingly urgent matters... May I suggest Ursula K. Le Guin’s Passionate Defense of #Art over Profits?
Plus: intro by another genius and lovely as usual: @neilhimself

Devil: You will spend eternity chained up over this white hot lava.

Man: Well actually, because we're underground it's called magma.

Devil: You do understand that’s why you're here, don't you?

This is one of those days where we all need a dose of #Hammy.

Need a service dog? Hamilton is reaching out to you. #DogsOfMastodon

Woodland birds are my go to birds. Anytime of year, if you look hard enough you will find them. Here is a Blue tit from the shires of the UK

#nature #birds #Wildlife #photography #NaturePhotography #BirdPhotography #BirdsOfMastodon #UK

I think I’m just wired to find subversive and depressing stuff uplifting.

Fall in Crawford, Colorado, by Needle Rock (I think there must be at least one Needle Rock in every country in the world with large rock formations).
#Photography #Colorado #AutumnColors

Ladybugs🐞 sleeping in my Lavatera seed pods #Bloomscrolling #yeg . Not the clearest pictures but best I could get

The Prionailurus planiceps or Flat-Headed Cat is found throughout Borneo, The Thai-Malay Peninsula and Sumatra. They are one the world’s smallest wildcats! They reach lengths of 41 to 50 centimeters or 16 to 20 inches and weigh 3 to 5 pounds! However, some of them can weigh 7.8 pounds, on average.

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