Yeah, they say "spaces", but what they mean is "space".

The joy of running your WatchOS app on a new watch and having your carefully positioned art get mangled because the simulator didn't have that precise combination of size and Complication:

Guess what's not my problem anymore? I'd file a radar, but I know how big that radar queue already is.

Dear Apple, I know you're trying to be helpful, but not all UI needs to flip in a RTL language

Stop trying to declutter us; we like it that way. IIRC that was the excuse for some bad Xcode UI decisions too.

I wouldn't mind so much if it was possible to get it out of the Control Center. You want to declutter my tiny MBA screen? Stop adding things I don't use.

Oh gosh, the app I'm working on has a window with a splitview and could really use the ability to grow the window when both splits are at minimum size. Good thing it's only running in one process.

Problem #1: DerivedData in source control.
Mega problem #2: Randomly expanding the DerivedData folder tree in source control.

Something's a bit off about these visca commands: unless there's a typo, trying to recall scene 95 will toggle the on-screen display.

I love how this is a standard command set except when it isn’t.

Twitter just made it easier to spot ads without clicking on the '...' icon by adding a big "Follow" button - and some of the ads are ordinary looking accounts with under 1K followers. Weird.


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