Lee Ann boosted

I’m worried about the military escalation between the US military and the fundamentalist Gulf petrostate with the terrible human rights record regarding women, gays, and foreigners.

But enough about Texas.

Yeah, they say "spaces", but what they mean is "space".

Lee Ann boosted

#TheOnion absolutely knocking their coverage of #IsraelPalestineconflict out of the park, as usual, and skewering the broadsheets in the process: theonion.com/the-onion-stands-

A satirical comedy site provides better balance than most newspapers. That's the universe we're in. We'll be wearing our shoes on our heads before long.

Lee Ann boosted

Earlier this year, I was shown an AI-written blog post about "How To Make A 32 Bit Wine Bottle." About 80% of Google search results are now AI-written blog posts, but this one's notable, because it's a great illustration of a failure mode unique to LLMs.

The chatbot that wrote this repeatedly gets confused between "wine" (the drink) and "WINE" (the Linux thing.) It attempts to mash these topics together and does so with grammatically plausible sentences that are, however, complete nonsense.


Remember the Jasik Debugger? If you had the kinds of bugs it was good at debugging, it was the only choice available. But the interface...

Met him once, asked about that, he basically said it worked the way he thought and seemed a bit surprised that there was even a question.

Lee Ann boosted

Project manager: "What's technical debt? Explain it to me like I'm 6 years old"


Lee Ann boosted

Is there a name for the design antipattern where the code works for 99% of the cases, but that last 1% is critical, and you can't fix it without a total rewrite?🔥

Lee Ann boosted
Lee Ann boosted

Accidentally expanding your NSView size by 1000x is an amazingly good way of stress testing your app.

Lee Ann boosted
Lee Ann boosted

The right is melting down over a fake Fox story that the Biden Administration is going to limit alcohol to two beers a week. Wait till I tell them it’s gotta be just two Bud Lights.

Google is blocking mail from mac.com? WTF?

<<< 550-5.7.26 This mail is unauthenticated, which poses a security risk to the
<<< 550-5.7.26 sender and Gmail users, and has been blocked. The sender must
<<< 550-5.7.26 authenticate with at least one of SPF or DKIM. For this message,
<<< 550-5.7.26 DKIM checks did not pass and SPF check for [mac.com] did not pass

Gee, what does whois say?

Domain Name: MAC.COM
Creation Date: 1996-11-18T05:00:00Z

Lee Ann boosted

The folks that worked on this LEGO age check text field (!!) are automatically the best web developers on the planet right

(Sound on for perfection)

Lee Ann boosted
Lee Ann boosted

I know this will probably resonate with @caseyliss as much as it does me.

Lee Ann boosted
Lee Ann boosted

Who learned to type on a real typewriter?


Please boost for a wider demographic.

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