
As much as I believe the world is enjoying the Kevin McCarthy Craptacular, they're probably not laughing *at us* for being unable to form a government.

They all have parliaments that require stupid coalitions and elect, like, Netanyahu, the Italian Nazi, and Liz Truss.

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@editrix If it helps, after Ireland's last election (in February of 2020) it took over 6 months to form a new government, because the 3 largest parties all hated each other. The pandemic didn't help matter, either. But parliamentary systems have rules for dealing with these problems, so things stayed functional during that period.

@editrix The downside to that is that in some quarters, it gives credence to the notion that liberal democracy is in a bad state, because everyone is having a hard time forming a stable government. Putin and Xi probably are laughing at us.

@editrix ♥️💔🤣

Mostly came by to see if you are posting in fedi still. Would be great to see more journalists making their way here.

@editrix btw. Signed up for your Patreon. Hope it is useful. Love that you are ad free and with no pay-wall. Fwiw that's why I signed up. ♥️

If you ever start sharing your journalism via Fedi, would be happy to see it.

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