
Today is May 29

🐊 Ascension of Bahá’u’lláh
🐊 Decoration Day
🐊 End of the Middle Ages Day
🐊 Gloucestershire Cheese Rolling
🐊 International Day of UN Peacekeepers
🐊 Learn about Compsting Day
🐊 Memorial Day
🐊 Mount Everest Day
🐊 National Alligator Day
🇬🇧 National Biscuit Day
🇫🇷 National Coq au Vin Day
🐊 National Hydroxyapatite Day
🐊 National Paperclip Day
🐊 National Snail Day
🐊 Oak Apple Day
🐊 Prayer for Peace Memorial Day
🐊 Put a Pillow on Your Fridge Day
🐊 Spring Bank Holiday

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🐊 Whit Monday
🐊 World Digestive Health Day
🇬🇧 British Tomato Fortnight

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