
Today is March 20

🐸 Act Happy Day
🐸 Alien Abduction Day
🇲🇽 Benito Juárez Birthday Memorial
🐸 Bibliomania Day
🇩🇪 Bock Beer Day
🐸 Dogs in Yellow Day
🐸 French Language Day
🐸 Great American Meat Out Day
🇬🇧 Spring Cleaning Day
🐸 International Day of Happiness
🐸 Kiss Your Fiance Day
🐸 Macaroon Day
🐸 National Jump Out Day
🐸 National Native HIV/AIDS Awareness Day

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🐸 National Proposal Day
🐸 National Ravioli Day
🐸 Snowman Burning Day
🐸 Spring Equinox
🐸 Wellderly Day
🐸 Won't You Be My Neighbor Day
🐸 World Behavior Analysis Day
🐸 World Day of Theater for Children and 🐸 Young People
🐸 World Flour Day
🐸 World Frog Day
🐸 World Oral Health Day
🐸 World Sparrow Day
🐸 World Story Telling Day

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