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Merry Christmas and a Happy Holiday to all who celebrate!

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"We will not learn how to live together in peace by killing each other's children." ~ Jimmy Carter

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I feel the need to say that:

In a nation grounded on democratic processes, sometimes you lose an election.


There aren’t predetermined outcomes, and no one is out-and-out *entitled* to power.

#democracy #politics #electionsUSA2022

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Finally remembered to start taking before pics. Here's one for the 3rd hole on this grey sweater.

I'm trying to keep the mends non-noticeable. Besides matching the thread color, you want to make sure you don't pull the stitches too tight & pucker the fabric. I like to do this by tacking the area around the hole down onto a sewing ham. Keeps it still! Very important with floppy stretchy knit fabrics.

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We’re settling down for Christmas lunch

Prawns and crayfish for us to munch

Followed up with Porchetta and salads

And Christmas music (but no gravy ballads)

Everything is wonderfully toothsome

If you ask politely, I may save you some


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Why did #QElon respond to a 10-month old tweet about his participation in the World Economic Forum from an anti-vax, Big Lie account called “COVID-1984?”

Because QElon is trying to protect his reputation with #QAnon. No, really.

The WEF is currently the primary institutional scapegoat for dangerous antisemitic conspiracy theories being peddled by Mike Flynn and his propagandists. The CEO of Twitter is intentionally validating this deadly psyop.

#EvacuateTwitter #ArrestMikeFlynn

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So, an #introduction, eh?

I'm a recovering #engineer, former CTO, security researcher, and ex-regulator for #ICSsecurity. I'm now the Director of Cyber Risk at Dragos and I teach (and write) for #SANS.

I've had a lucky career-- I've testified before the US Congress and several federal agencies (as well as a few other countries abroad) and have helped hundreds of industrial organizations improve their #OT security. I've helped write a handful of international standards and I have some strong opinions on what "good" looks like for ICS/OT.

I'll usually write/present on:
#cyberrisk #metrics #technical #standards #engineering #safety #auditing #industrial #ICS #IIoT #governance
...and whatever strikes my fancy. My focus over the past 5-10 years has been more board-level, but I spent a large part of my career in a hard hat trying to fix (and break) industrial systems.

That said, if anyone asks me "what do you do for a living?" I usually avoid talking about myself and instead deviate to more important things... like living a healthy, happy life and helping others where I can.

Oh, and memes. I shitpost memes about how absurd our small community can be some times.

Oof. 9,718 characters left. Uhh. Check out my bio here if you want more info:

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whew, thank goodness I have my drunk brother to text me 40 times on Christmas Eve about how I love Reagan (??) and my website is stupid, all the Chapo Traphouse guys think so :)

I think I'll do ... something else :D

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The NORAD Twitter account has been suspended for doxxing the location of Santa's sleigh.

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Kari Lake gets the humiliation she deserves after a judge smacks down her bogus election lawsuit, multiple judges slam Trump for frivolous lawsuits, which prosecutions to expect in 2023 and more! Watch a new Legal AF LIVE at 8p ET/5p PT!

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NEW: Elon Musk sent a Signal message ordering his staff to aid in the Twitter Files: "please give Bari [Weiss] full access to everything at Twitter. No limits at all.”

That triggered a frenzy inside Twitter, which was under a decade-old FTC order. IT staff refused to onboard Weiss, worried Twitter would be breaking the law.

Days later, two executives were fired.

"These guys did amazing damage,” a former employee told me of the Musk subordinates running the company.

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💫 I don’t know who will see this, but grateful for the community here. You’re passionate, fierce about democracy, kind, funny and smart. May your holidays and the coming new year bring peace, ease, inspiration, health and abundance. 💫

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Migrants almost certain to spend Christmas in crowded shelters or on streets of Mexican border towns amid winter storm.
Migrants face freezing Christmas at US-Mexico border
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Interesting visit of the Victoria Mansion in Portland ME. It was built in between 1858 and 1860, and is currently under renovation (over renovated?).

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