I've been continuing to make crockpot because it's so quick and easy, but wanted to try a sweet version inspired by hot cross buns, with added sugar, sultanas, mixed spice, cinnamon and a dribble of oil. I used self-raising flour which was all I had in the cupboard, but with the yeast, it rose very well. I have no idea what the texture will be like. I cooked it a bit less vigorously than the normal recipe calls for, but it seems be okay. It's too hot to cut just yet.

Shula has been in a funny mood for days, and actually bit me twice yesterday for real (drew blood) for no reason I could see. I want us both to pay her more attention and give reassurance, but spouse is turned off by her being weird and doesn't cooperate :(

Anyway, I made a special effort to let her sit in my lap this morning, not just beside me. She sat there for a good while, but I can tell whatever we've done, isn't forgiven

Spiders, closeup 

Photos of orb spiders and wombat berry, taken this morning out my back door, during light rain

Wildlife on display at the Gallery of Modern Art (GOMA) bistro in Brisbane today.

I hadn't realised that male water dragons could change their dewlap colour on the fly, but this one was doing that as we watched. Whether he felt threatened by the smaller female, or was looking for love, we couldn't tell. The female may have been pregnant. She had a very round little belly.

Yesterday, I mentioned the 'palace' Shula likes to hide in. There used to be only one of that kind in the house, although we have cat igloos all over the place. But that one, being in Daddy's room, is prime territory.

So I bought another one and put it next to the other. Shula is now bouncing between the two trying to claim both.

Jana has managed to claim the original and best this morning :)

The dulcet kid noises are now to the point where I have the windows shut and the aircon on :(

Meanwhile, my little black is hiding in what we call the palace (a pet cube on her daddy's filing cabinet in his office), but just because she wants to be alone, doesn't mean she also doesn't want pets and love. So I go in every few minutes for a quick visit and scritches :)

Jana is out in the catrun being screamed at by blue-faced honeyeaters who are protecting a juvenile. She was chattering back at them but now wants us to go out there and save her from the mean birdies :) (She can come inside anytime she likes, BTW!)

This is a picture from at the end of December 2015. The most sparkling, beautiful weather you can imagine, in the coldest place on earth.

Went to Westfield Germside yesterday - place was already packed at 9am - and I was literally the only person there in a mask :( Meanwhile there are 320 people in hospital in this state with , and 15 died this week.

Wear a damn , people. The life you save may be your own.

And if you haven't had a in the last 6 months, you essentially have NO - as in ZERO - protection. PLEASE get as many boosters as you're eligible. This isn't close to being over.


Igauzu Falls,

When David Attenborough filmed the falls back in the day, the water was clear and beautiful. These days, it's polluted by agriculturally-caused soil erosion. Still amazing, but not what it once was

Possibly one of the bleakest places on Earth. Deception Island, . Photo taken in January, 2016

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