@nomoremister Not sure I agree, although I'm shocked to see Candace Owens show some sense for once.

It's like the argument that surely *this* mass killing of innocents will make the government take action. We see the coffins, we see the grieving parents - we know babies are being killed in their dozens inside their schoolrooms - and all that happens is that the gun nuts buy more guns and Alex Jones gets richer 1/2

@nomoremister 2/2 On the other hand, Bush (the younger?) banned media from showing the coffins of returning dead from Afghanistan because he knew how important such images were in turning public opinion against the Vietnam war.

I think nothing will make the crazy right change their course. It might make the 'non-political' Americans wake up to what's going on.

Or not :(

@anathema_device The effect might not be widespread, but it might reach a few people in the middle. That would be something, even if it's not enough.

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