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Then either get your ham radio licenses and use the local repeaters, or get a GMRS license and find a community repeater that you can use/rent. Pulling off that distance in a city using simplex isn't so much the issue of the radios, it's physics.

Weak signal modes like #ft8 have their detractors but it’s one of the only ways I get any QSOs at all. The combination of low power, an attic-mounted antenna under a thick slate roof, and a high noise floor make voice and even CW almost impossible. #hamradio

No, no, that's not a sin, either. My goodness, you must have worried yourself to death.

One of these photos is a harmful display of child grooming, that's dangerous for a child's overall self-worth and exposes them to adult gender roles.
The other is a photo of a drag queen.

Having a minor dispute with a Wonkette commenter on the meaning of 'Asian' in the UK, so help me out here, please, my British followers?

If you are British-born and raised, do you use the adjective 'Asian' (used without a qualifier like 'South' or 'East' to mean

Listen up all you foolish mortals:

Someone talking about a weird thing their computer did is not a cry for help. *Especially* when said someone clearly said they solved the problem.

I understand this particular platform is very-much filled with computer nerds who want to be helpful, but please check whether help is being requested before you pop out of the woodwork like some sort of Clippy

And for all the mega nerds out there, I used my silly scope to take a peek at the sine wave.

It looks really good! There's a bit of wonkiness at the zero crossings, but I can't rule out noise from everything running on it. At the time of these captures, I was charging a phone, the fridge was running, plus the modem is on and all that.

Still a very clean sine no matter how you slice it!

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Pneumatic tubes connecting 23 US Post Offices in NYC across 27 miles. Used until 1957. #PastTimes

via Brian Roemmele from Twitter

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