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Remembering Miss Lillian Carter, Jimmy Carter's mama (gift link):

Painting the things that I've printed. Slowly.
At this rate, probably 2 minis/night? And that's not even the larger prints.
Still, I'm pleased with the results so far.

Today is February 28

💄 228 Memorial Day
🇪🇸 Andalucia Day
💄 Floral Design Day
💄 Global Scouse Day
💄 International Repetitive Strain Injury Awareness Day
💄 Linus Pauling Day
💄 National Chocolate Souffle Day
💄 National Customized Wheel and Tire Day
💄 National Essay Day
💄 National Pancake Day
💄 National Public Sleeping Day
💄 National Science Day
💄 National Time Refund Day
💄 National Vegan Lipstick Day
💄 Rare Disease Day
💄 US Snow Shoe Day
💄 World Spay Day

🌚 Moon Phase for today: Feb 28, 2023

The Moon's current phase for today and tonight is a Waxing Gibbous phase. Visible through most of the night sky setting a few hours before sunrise. The moon is 8.32 days old and 61.97% illuminated with a tilt of 131.951°. The approximate distance from Earth to the moon is 400,264.29 km and the moon sign is Gemini.

The IBM Portable Terminal from 1972.

Designed for internal IBM use and few have ever seen it nor have they heard of it.

It was the first true battery powered terminal with full modem. #RetroHardware

via Brain Roemmele from Twitter

In 1977, NASA began looking for women astronauts.

Sally Ride spotted an ad about it in the Stanford school newspaper & applied. She was one of six women chosen.

In 1983, Ride became the first American woman to travel into space. Her role as a mission specialist was to work a robotic arm to put satellites into space.

Ride went on to teach at UC San Diego & worked to promote women & girls in STEM. She also wrote children’s books about exploring #space. #HistoryRemix

Multnomah Falls

Si la magia existe... con seguridad ahi es uno de los lugares donde se encuentra...

If magic exists... surely that is one of the places where it is found...


I was shocked when I found this out. Shocked, angry and as a white girl who was a direct beneficiary of Dad's WWII and Korea service growing up, very uncomfortable. I learned about red-lining, racial covenants and all the other obstacles thrown in the path of Black progress.

I'm still learning, but I'm getting there.

For all the Caucasian people who grew up in white culture:

The reason no one who isn’t Caucasian lends any credence to “racist against whites” and “anti-white racism” rhetoric is because

And read this very, very carefully, white folks:

White is not an ethnicity. White is not a heritage. White is not an ancestry.

White is a political construct invented to distinguish Western European imperial slavers and colonisers from the people they were conquering.

Tonight in 1979 — MRS. COLUMBO debuted on NBC.

This misbegotten spinoff starred #KateMulgrew as Columbo's previously unseen wife, a reporter.

After poor ratings (and flack from #PeterFalk and the creators of #Columbo), it was retooled and retitled. 13 episodes were produced.

#OnThisDay #ClassicTV #1970sTV #1970s #Nostalgia

US federal government has ordered a nationwide drinking curfew at midnight, with bars, nightclubs & pubs closed early to save fuel & manpower for the war effort.

I just found out that Jackie Rickard, Jack Rickard's daughter, has stepped into the roles her father left as he became ill and left the world. Jack was a critical part of the BBS documentary and I didn't interact with Jackie during it, but I'm glad to see her in the family business. (Electric Cars)

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