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Zyxomma boosted
Zyxomma boosted
Zyxomma boosted

Ftagn! Dread Cthulhu Pie for Breakfast 

🧙 :pentagram: 🐙 Waking up and taking to my habitual daily scrolling--I immediately came across this, some pie I want for bearkfast. "Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn"

image--Keep recipes

#DreadCthlhu #CthulhuMythos #PopCultureMagic #ChaosMagic #pie

@manalive My local grocery is out of Miyoko's plant butter, and I have to find it; I'm fresh out.

Zyxomma boosted

RT @imcivicaction
The Postal Board of Governors, which still refuses to fire Postmaster General Louis DeJoy, meets today for its first session of 2023.

Two board seats previously held by Trump nominees opened up in December.

Biden must fill them without further delay.

Zyxomma boosted

Any NYC Wonks who want to say Kaddish with me for my dear departed, Shul of NY welcomes all. 12 W 12th Street 6:30 Friday the 3rd.

Zyxomma boosted

Moose in the woods eating limbs. They must consume 50 pounds per day to sustain themselves through winter. We will lose many moose this winter due to the deep snow.
Photo by Michelle Hanson of MHPhotoco
#AlaskaWildlife #Moosetodon

Zyxomma boosted

Well, it's Groundhog Day, again.*

“Only in America do we accept weather predictions from a rodent but deny #ClimateChange evidence from scientists.”

* I share this meme every year on February 2. Source unknown. #science

Zyxomma boosted
Zyxomma boosted

Vladimir Putin is an anti-democratic, genocidal killer who is not only causing death and destruction in Ukraine, he’s destroying the future of Russia and Russians. Tell me again why extremist Republicans think this is a man to admire.

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#NoPebbleMineEVER #Alaska
In the coming days, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is expected to release its final determination for Clean Water Act Section 404c restrictions in Bristol Bay, Alaska. If the previously released recommended determination is a guide, the final determination will provide long-sought protections against the proposed Pebble Mine, lifting a cloud of uncertainty under which the region has lived for nearly two decades.

@ajroach42 One of the reasons I haven't left my job for a better one is because I'm in a union, which I'd always wanted to be.

Zyxomma boosted

With all the recent tech layoffs, I am reminded of this idea:

Workers feel they have no need to organize in prosperous times when work is abundant and wages are fair.

Workers feel they have no Ability to organize in lean times, when layoffs are abundant and wages are contracting.

In both cases, we are wrong. The best time to start organizing was years ago, but the next best time is now.

I don't care what industry you're in, or how comfortable your job is.

The people, united, will never be defeated.

Thank you to everyone who donated to help me cremate my friend. All arranged. Thanks again.

You already know I found my best friend in the world dead Monday evening. What you don't know is that he looked like a sleeping baby. If you can help pay for cremation, my PayPal is yes eye see @ earthlink . net without the spaces. Thanks so much.

Zyxomma boosted

@Zyxomma had her live-in best friend die yesterday and she's trying to raise funds for his cremation. Please send some bucks, if you can, to her at PayPal Make sure you mark as a gift so they don't take the money out of her cut.

Thank you so much!

Zyxomma boosted

Trump being reinstated on Facebook because (according to Meta) “the immediate danger of violence has passed” makes me think of Julius Caesar on the HBO show Rome explaining why a defeated Pompey can’t be left to roam the empire freely: “as long as he can be propped on a horse, he’s dangerous.”

Like maybe DeSantis is going to be The Guy to (re)introduce American fascism, but having Trump anywhere near a media megaphone is dangerous af

Zyxomma boosted
Zyxomma boosted

Well, it’s racist day in Australia.. again.. where racists are now crying that others don’t want to be racists with them and are doubling down on their racism. Also genocide in case anyone forgot.

Don’t change the date, abolish the whole fucking thing. We should be remember the atrocities that took place, not celebrating. No more Australia Day.

Genocide day would be a more appropriate name.

#AustraliaDay #Racist

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