We visited a good friend who lives in the path of totality for the eclipse. It was great; the birds stopped singing and the crickets and frogs piped up.

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I'm getting tired of my job. Too much travel to get there, too little money for lots of responsibility.

I'm going to find something better.

Safe and sound in the East Village after another marvelous weekend in the Catskills.

I haven't been here much lately. While we were on vacation in RI, Meccalopolis proposed and I accepted. So now, we're not just living together. We're engaged.

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Yearly reminder that April Fool's day is a gigantic nightmare for loads of people, in particular Neurodiverse folks, and people with anxiety issues. Don't fall into the trap of thinking that you have a temporary excuse for being a dick to people. You don't.

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RT @GunnelsWarren
While railroads spent more on stock buybacks than rail safety, Warren Buffett became $42 billion richer & is worth $106 billion. On Friday, Buffett became $435 million richer, enough to provide 7 paid sick days to every rail worker in America for an entire year. Ban the buybacks. twitter.com/CNBC/status/162948

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America doesn’t have a labor shortage. There is a living wage shortage, a hazard pay shortage, a child care shortage, a paid sick leave shortage, and a health care shortage.

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Transphobia, genocide 

Michael Knowles, a commentator at Ben Shapiro's Daily Wire website, has called for the criminalization of all trans people. I sure hope all the people "just asking questions" about trans people who *toooootally* aren't transphobic will pause from concern-trolling about kids to actually pushing back on calls for genocide against trans people. mediamatters.org/daily-wire/da

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As DeSantis signs a law today stripping Disney of control of its Orlando district, he criticizes what he considers to be "woke" policies. "We want our kids to be kids. We want them to be able to enjoy entertainment... without having an agenda imposed upon them."

from May 2022👇

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Crimea is Ukraine. Never appease Megalomaniacs.

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✡️ This morning a Shoah denier commented “6 million must lie” on an old Tiktok of mine, so it’s time for another Yiddish curse! ✡️

🧿 “Dee leber zol dir shteklechvayz doord der noz aroysfleen!” 🧿

📚 trans.: “May your liver come out through your nose piece by piece!” 📚

[SOURCE: "If You Can’t Say Anything Nice, Say It In Yiddish: The Book of Yiddish Insults and Curses” (Lita Epstein)]


#Mazeldon #jewish @mazeldon #shoah #yiddish

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In 1977, NASA began looking for women astronauts.

Sally Ride spotted an ad about it in the Stanford school newspaper & applied. She was one of six women chosen.

In 1983, Ride became the first American woman to travel into space. Her role as a mission specialist was to work a robotic arm to put satellites into space.

Ride went on to teach at UC San Diego & worked to promote women & girls in STEM. She also wrote children’s books about exploring #space. nasa.gov/audience/forstudents/ #HistoryRemix

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Today is February 28

💄 228 Memorial Day
🇪🇸 Andalucia Day
💄 Floral Design Day
💄 Global Scouse Day
💄 International Repetitive Strain Injury Awareness Day
💄 Linus Pauling Day
💄 National Chocolate Souffle Day
💄 National Customized Wheel and Tire Day
💄 National Essay Day
💄 National Pancake Day
💄 National Public Sleeping Day
💄 National Science Day
💄 National Time Refund Day
💄 National Vegan Lipstick Day
💄 Rare Disease Day
💄 US Snow Shoe Day
💄 World Spay Day

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Tennessee's clownservative governor Bill Lee, who's about to sign a bill making it illegal to dress in drag, is seen here... dressed in drag.

Of course, the unspoken excuse is "Oh, c'mon, it's different when STRAIGHT guys dress in drag," but try writing that into law.

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Soliciting names for my adorable new trans demon plushie.

Thanks again to everyone who helped me cremate my dearest friend. The ashes are in the beautiful urn and home with me.

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Ftagn! Dread Cthulhu Pie for Breakfast 

🧙 :pentagram: 🐙 Waking up and taking to my habitual daily scrolling--I immediately came across this, some pie I want for bearkfast. "Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn"

image--Keep recipes

#DreadCthlhu #CthulhuMythos #PopCultureMagic #ChaosMagic #pie

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