I voted for , because...
Behold! My engagement ring from (mumble mumble) years ago. Sapphire because I think diamonds are boring.

I had been worrying that we haven't seen many bees in the yard lately, but today there were a decent number of bees hanging out in our kabocha blossoms. 😁 🐝

A new batch of supporting Janet Protasiewicz for WI Supreme Court in the April 4th election!

My first batch of for the Wisconsin Supreme Court election...also my first homemade postcards. 😁

Playing around with some designs for my , since I just bought some blank postcards and masking fluid (and I have a bunch of different pens). I need to fill in the white space a bit, but these seem like a good start.

Another batch of , this time for Bill Carlson's re-election to Tampa city council. (side note: a friend of mine from Florida had a bunch of postcards that she wasn't going to use, so she sent them to me, and now some of them are going back to Florida!)

I just have to address and stamp these for the Jennifer McClellan campaign, and they'll be ready to go!

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