Oh, for feel-o-vision. This yarn doesn't look particularly exciting, but it's a combination of baby camel down and mulberry silk, and so soft and silky. This is over 220 yds/200 meters, two ply. I have a pound/453 gm of this fluff and still have a bobbin's worth to reel and about 7 oz/200 gm left to spin.

@fibreart @fiberarts@a.gup.pe @spinning

@Arachne @fibreart @fiberarts@a.gup.pe @spinning
There's such a thing as camel down?
So, asking "how do you get down from a camel" doesn't necessarily result in the "Don't be silly; you get down from a duck" response?

@TappinLisa @fibreart @fiberarts@a.gup.pe @spinning
(I know you are joking but...) It is very soft and warm. Did you know camels carry anthrax? Although the bigger danger these days is MERS-CoV. There is also a disease called camelpox.


@Arachne I had no clue about any of this! I was not expecting to learn about camels on Mastodon. 😁

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