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Chicken with a Pearl Earring


(with appropriate apologies to Vermeer, obvs)

#MyfanwyAndFriend #silly #nonsense #art

That's interesting - when the eclipse came almost right over us in 2017, all the birds came up from the beach a few minutes before and it was quite noisy for a bit. And then the eclipse happened, and the ALL the birds went silent. It's one of the most memorable things for me.
But now that you talk about your experience, I realize the approximately one gazillion frogs nearby us were also silent. I wonder what made the difference.

My new years resolution is to start a bad habit that will be part of my 2025 resolutions.

The reality is that Trump has been found to have engaged in an insurrection and he still has the full support of the Republican Party.

He now has findings of fraud, rape, and inciting an insurrection, and the Republican Party still loves him.

It isn't that they are closing their eyes to lawbreaking. It's more than that.

They are glorifying lawbreaking, which is what people do when they believe the government is not legimitate.


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Sorry, Boeboe. The church has a lot to say, like about fornicating in public, but the state doesn’t take its cues from the Bible.

And it's this kind of thing that helps us love you even more: willing to be corrected, OPEN about being corrected, and always focused on getting to the truth in the most gracious and passionate ways possible.
Thanks, Jill - finally had time to listen to the "If we can make it here" episode, and you were wonderful once again. Plus, we got to learn about ANOTHER curious piece of your job history.

@jlroberson @batkaren
as @jlroberson said, also a relief of some kind.
Because after the shock of realization wears off, it's easier to forgive one self and one's elders. And ones peers too. I went through it with my mom, almost unconsiously, but my daughter was able to articulate the change, and that was its own evolution in understanding, to see that transformation through her eyes.
Something at least some from every generation go through.

There are many horrible memories for me, even 3000 miles away at the time. But I have a lasting memory that's positive - for a while, especially that first week, people in my town really looked at each other, really looked into each others eyes.
I don't know what it was for the other people, but to me it seemed we were really seeing each other, as individuals, as members of our community even if we were strangers, as fellow travelers for stretch.
That was nice. It didn't last.

Lost in the breathless, non-stop coverage of Biden’s age is the fact that most of Trump’s former cabinet members are literally warning us he’s mentally and temperamentally unfit to serve again in office.

Press, stop creating a false presidential competency issue, like you did a false email server issue. Just stop it.

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