I let my anger at a baseless investigation w evidence to the contrary get me to incorrectly say Congress needs probable cause for a subpoena. Courts only require a Congressional subpoena be relevant to a legitimate inquiry (which I doubt it is for Biden's bank records). But they should have more than a desire to hurt a political opponent & they don't. That's why democracy is in danger. Thanks to @weissmann11 for reaching out to calm me down and get me to correct this.


And it's this kind of thing that helps us love you even more: willing to be corrected, OPEN about being corrected, and always focused on getting to the truth in the most gracious and passionate ways possible.
Thanks, Jill - finally had time to listen to the "If we can make it here" episode, and you were wonderful once again. Plus, we got to learn about ANOTHER curious piece of your job history.

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