One of the things I have liked about Mastodon is the encouragement to put alt-text on images. But as others have noticed, the more the network of mastodonians grows, the proportion of images with alt-text goes down.

It's not hard - please please PLEASE add alt-text to your images, even if it's just a quick note, and better if it's more descriptive.

@SisterArtemis And if you forget, as I have, it's not that hard to go back, edit, delete photo, re-post photo with the mouse-over/alt-text description.


I look forward to that - at the moment, our server is still using an old version of the software, and ver. 3 doesn't have that feature (our upgrade glitched when we tried it a few weeks ago, so we're still behind the times).

But in the meantime, I haven't posted too many images, and haven't forgotten to do it so far.

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