One of the things I have liked about Mastodon is the encouragement to put alt-text on images. But as others have noticed, the more the network of mastodonians grows, the proportion of images with alt-text goes down.

It's not hard - please please PLEASE add alt-text to your images, even if it's just a quick note, and better if it's more descriptive.

@SisterArtemis I'm trying to only boost posts with images if they have good alt text - and NOT boost any that don't. That can be frustrating when the post is good otherwise. It just feels wrong to boost something inaccessible to so many.
Anyway - please add alt text, everyone.


Somewhere around here (it was last week some time) a user suggested adding explanatory text either in our own posts, or in a copy-paste-the-image style so that we gain control over the display of the image.

THis is one of those places where quote tweets could be helpful, fwiw

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