
Adding an image and trying to add alt-text, from my phone this time (Tusky app)

The app lets me add text, and also offers me cropping, flipping, and rotation options

@SisterArtemis I rather like Tusky. It's nice to see where it is now vs. where it was before.

Ah, to be as peaceful as a napping cat. 😊

@MateodelSol I only discovered Tusky with this latest move towards Mastodon - I also have the mastodon app on my phone, and can get to some of the administrative stuff there. But in general I like Tusky just fine.

I do notice that it takes quite a while to send notifications to my phone - several minutes between what shows up on my laptop, and when that little notification bell
sounds from the phone. But no worries, as I'm not addicted to checking the feed constantly.

@SisterArtemis Do you have an Iphone? The android app I've found doesn't seem to have those options sadly.

@RC not an iPhone person. Tusky doesn't have the extras, but the mastodon app is on my phone for when I need it.

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