We’ve set aside the night of the 23rd for Rebel Moon, making an event of it. I’m a Snyder apologist, but it’s more of an acceptance at face value thing.

But, I just finished David Ehrlich’s absolutely scathing review @IndieWire and it’s making me having second thoughts about making a big deal out of it.

We’ll see. I’d like to make up my own mind, but “134 minutes of agonizing tedium that are only interrupted by the occasional jolt of sadness for the wasted talent of everyone involved.” 😬

#movies #cinemastodon



@doowttam @IndieWire
I watched half the first night and half the second night and the second night was much better. As a whole it turned out much better than I first thought. The plots a rehash but what isn't anymore? Liked the characters a lot.

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@RC @IndieWire I appreciate that review! Was still deciding whether to watch it tonight, but I think we’ll stick with the plan and try to find the fun in it.

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