first they came for the immigrants, but i didn't care, because those people cause a lot of problems and they're unclean and strange

then they came for the homeless, but i didn't care, because i like my cities clean and they could just get a job, really what's so hard about that

then they came for the pregnant, but i didn't care, because men like me can always get their girlfriends an abortion if needed

then they came for the trans people, but i didn't care, because frankly they're sort of weird and just a fad and we're just indulging them and their wacko doctors

then they came for the permanently disabled, but i didn't care, because i was in good health and they should just stay at home or eat healthier

then they came for the journalists, and i wrote an op-ed titled “first they came for the journalists”

— liberal journalists

Forgot about this one for the past few years; popped into my head this morning.
I still think it's the best thing Sandler has ever done.

Hey, fellow white people: when someone raises a complex issue concerning BIPOC folks for discussion & community problem-solving, expecting them to pause to give you a dumbed down explanation—or worse, demanding that *they* provide you with a simple solution to that complex issue so you don’t have to do any work yourself!—is deeply uncool.

We all need to learn sometimes, but this is a bigger ask than you may realize & is very likely to derail the very discussion you claim to be interested in.

Learning fun things on my return to social media:
1) every account whose first announcement on Mastodon is that they're not leaving Twitter is to be ignored

Anyone have a recommendation for a class/willing to practice gabbing advanced beginner French (Quebecois ideal!) on occasion? Muttering to myself is starting to get attention from men with oversized butterfly nets.

Hallelujah! Governor Kate Brown of Oregon has commuted the entire death row and ordered the execution chamber to be dismantled.
A brave, moral act. I salute her.
#DeathPenalty #executions #GovKateBrown #CapitalPunishment

Oh boy my self-esteem needs a boost I hope social media helps


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