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Mittens Romney needs to understand that he is judged by the company he keeps.

You can be the best demon of the lot, but you're still a demon, Mittens.

Get out.

i fucking hate Dell Cameron passionately for what he did to #BreonnaTaylor.

there is nothing worse than Black men who hate Black women (see also: Clarence Thomas)

❝ Kentucky GOP Candidate Signed Pledge Saying the Birth Control Pill Causes Abortions

weight thing, food thing, physical plant thing 

I've realized how much little I need to eat after losing the weight that I have (oh yeah. I lost a bunch of weight. Go me!).
It's kind of disconcerting. Slow metabolism ftw, or something.

Unpopular Opinion: former republicans who’re NOW speaking out about the behavior of their former party should BEGIN each statement with an ACKNOWLEDGMENT of their role; affiliation in CREATING this moment…anything less means that we’ve NOT learned the lessons of the past

The future of the “democracy” was lost when those who initiated the conditions which led to Civil War were NOT held accountable AND were allowed to lie about or simply ignore their participation


🎶Hello client, my old friend
I've come to test your speed again
Because your bandwidth is slowly creeping
And your server is beeping
In some kind of alarmed state
It won't abate🎶

So let me remind folks of sort of fundamentals of anarcho-socialism.

One principle is NO MEANS TESTING, NO GATEKEEPING. Share and share alike. This means, practically, believe people when they say they're experiencing something, even if for some reason (privilege, entitlement, community protection, supremacy, etc.) you cannot perceive it.

THIS MEANS NO ASKING FOR PROOF. If you are here for anarcho-socialism, you should be seeking solidarity, and finding common cause, building bridges, not fences. You should not be civility policing, you should not be questioning the #BIPoC and other folks who are writing about their experiences. You shouldn't be asking them for proof or accusing them of lying. You should instead find ways of asking "how can I help?" or even better, unilaterally discovering how you can help and doing that, without requiring input or supervision or teaching.

Almost every white person I know is terrible at disconnecting the patronizing directive that white supremacy teaches us to do. The idea is that white people are the ultimate arbiters of truth and justice. That your opinion is welcome and encouraged. But let me tell you: it is not. Clamp down on your impulses to police BIPoC and try to keep moving forward collectively.

Oh, good. Cult of the Lamb's dev is gonna delist the game because of changing policies.

Well, shit. Youngest and his girlfriend are running a fever. Youngest said he was feeling chilly and wasn't hungry during dinner (he ate anyway).
Hopefully it's not COVID, but they're testing anyway.

This timeline sucks.

Crossing to the 72h mark of this t-break. Going well so far.
Catastrophizing has been minimal, the Black Dog seems to be keeping itself busy chasing its tail and only nipping at my leg on occasion.

It sure feels like something's happening with the wiring up there. We'll see how I feel when I resume consumption on Friday.

PSA: nonbinary people are trans too

*caveat, unless they don't consider themselves thus.

but they are not cis, and don't you dare discard them as "not trans enough" because their transition doesn't look like yours

Had a nice conversation with Youngest and his partner. We came to the topic of adoption somehow and he said he wanted to adopt a foster kid. "Like you said, there are plenty of kids who could use a good home."
That's the way, lad.

Also ended up making this wee baked meringue because I had too much.

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First attempt at lemon meringue pie. Not bad. A bit overdone on the top.

Off to meet with our new VP of Networking.
This should be interesting.

Transitioning in the workplace is different for everyone, that's why listening to experience is important
For all of those in charge, offering an ear and being open to learning is crucial. So we're sharing one perspective of transitioning at work 🏳️‍⚧️

Back from a lovely weekend with a bunch of delightful weirdos.
Good times had by all.

People who understand breakfast lasagna are my kind of people.

Early morning and I'm awake because everyone else's bodies have some damn sense. 😩😮‍💨

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