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Painting the things that I've printed. Slowly.
At this rate, probably 2 minis/night? And that's not even the larger prints.
Still, I'm pleased with the results so far.

Well, we made it to Friday.
Let's get to it and on to the weekend.

Folks, if you're going to make questionable calls to people maybe don't use your work number if there's a high likelihood they're gonna check with the phone company?
This seems kinda basic, but here we are anyway.

Well now that i have a resin printer and an FDM, I guess I just keep printing stuff until I run out of ideas? That seems to be the case, anyway.

Been poking around with a local install of Stable Diffusion for a couple days, seeing what I can make it render that looks close enough to myself.
Pretty impressed with the results.

Ah a federal holiday. Time to work when I don't want to, involving less "work" and more "doing other stuff".

Now, what to do instead... 🤔

NYTimes, Anti-trans bullshit 

It's unfortunate but unsurprising that the Times is doubling down on their anti-trans stance, to say nothing of attempting to be "viewpoint neutral" to such an extent that it enables exactly the type of shit the Fourth Estate is supposed to prevent.Or would like to believe it does.
A more cynically minded sort might say there's a profit motive behind this as well.

I mean, I'm not *not* saying it.

On this corporate consumption of chocolate day, I'm reminded of the time my ex played Ludo's "Love Me Dead" in the car while we were waiting at a shop. Which resulted in my laughing uproariously in the car to her confused expression, failing to understand how well it contextualized our relationship before it ended.

I can't be the only person with #ADHD that feels that on some days everyone is conspiring to stop you from focusing.

Superb Owl, RW Billionaire ed. 

Probably the least surprising thing was seeing Musk and Murdoch seated next to each other last night.
Wealthy fascists gotta stick together, after all.

Back from my weekend in NYC. It was nice.
The trip, however, was not. Glad to be back after all that time in buses.

Wandering in Manhattan ended with dinner split between two sushi places.
TripAdvisor, you need a more user friendly UI.
Tiring but interesting. Stopped in to see Matriarch del Sol, who I've not seen since I left NYC. She was glad for the visit, however brief.
Hopefully next time I'm here Blue Ribbon will be open.

Dear architects - the fuck are you on with these wall to wall, floor to ceiling windows in an apartment on the 18th goddamn floor?

Signed, an acrophobe.

Amusing morning typos:
speed taste.
What does your current bandwidth taste like? I've got a hint of dried cherries and some cacao notes, personally.
Also, bard code. Like a bar code, but it's music notes and are heard as audio played on a lute.

Cream of mushroom soup is really just an excuse to eat something like mushroom gravy as a meal out of a bowl.

Ah, Dead Space. I'm so pleased to see the remake is exactly what everyone says it is, and what I'd hoped it to be.
Hooray! I'm terrified all over again!

An empty nest 

Still processing all of it, though. A big change for both of us, to be sure.
I'm uh...fully, completely without responsibility for other people. I've never had that experience as an adult. It's odd. Freeing, but odd.
So here's to these new changes for us all.

May they be for the better.

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An empty nest 

My youngest moved out this afternoon. It was sudden. I mean, everyone has to leave sometime and he's an adult. I had thought he would have stayed here and worked for a bit before going.
He says he has a job near his mother's house, so does his girlfriend.

I hope things work out. He and his sister are welcome whenever (assuming my schedule is clear).

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