Forget a perp walk, can we have video of 45 being forced to watch as teams of people carry stuff out of his trash buildings, trying not to look horrified and disgusted as all his tacky shit is packed into vans and carted off?

Live your life in such a way that people don't celebrate your election defeats like the ending to Return of the Jedi.


Just remember that no matter the mistakes you make in life, you will never have fucked up as badly as the Republicans did this election cycle. (not that I'm complaining. I am not)

US Poltics, US elections 

Results so far look good! Glad to see things have shaken out differently than the dumbass narratives about Red Waves and shit. Unfortunate we lost some of those races, but hopefully it'll look better in '24. As long as we hold onto both houses, we're good.


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