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There have been some additional admins added to Wonkodon? Have the assholes and trolls invaded already?

Land Shark boosted

Toxic Reply Guys*

You're talking about something really important, usually related to your identity and people who you share it with. Someone pops up Just Asking Questions. Undermining you. It doesn't look like something to report but it makes you feel bad.

Report these incidents, even if you feel silly doing it.

A pattern emerges over time and people get kicked out. Their slow poison is not welcome here.

Please boost this a lot.

* exclusively guys so far

Land Shark boosted

The Trump train wreck and the Twitter train wreck are are the same track.

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I don’t think Elon should let Trump back on Twitter just because of a poll. After all, following the will of the people isn’t what Trump would have wanted.

Holy crap! Lonnie is getting slagged all over Mastodon for letting TFG back on Twitter.

Hubble Views a Billowing Cosmic Cloud
A small, dense cloud of gas and dust called CB 130-3 blots out the center of this image from the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope.

November 18, 2022
via NASA

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It really is a fascinating thing to watch folks learn how to use Mastodon, and the conversations around its use as a viable platform.

Playing with some tags … let’s see if this works.

You should be able to click the tags, and see a bunch of posts across all the Mastodon servers.

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A Ukraine news source (not official). Lots of updates.


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The photo in my header is currently in the NoMAA Gallery at 4140. The show runs through Jan. 23, 2023. Here's the info:

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