
How do I search for toots by subject matter?

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@Brib_General I think you have to hope that people are using hashtags in their toots and search by hashtag.

@Brib_General Using the search feature, which will return users and posts containing hastags with the word or phrase. However, the breadth of the search is limited to only that part of the "fediverse" your home server can see; specifically, the users and their posts for everyone you follow, and for everyone followed by all the other users on your home server (wonkodon).

@phoenixdoglover @Brib_General

PDL, I think you know more about Mastodon than I do. I just made you an admin of Wonkodon, so there! -Miltsy

@Brib_General @admin I shall wear this hair shirt with pride. Ok, time for me to read the manual. :-)

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