Finally set the twist in some homespun that has been languishing, waiting to be finished. Still have two more batches to do. My new loom is particularly for my homespun. Got quite the stash built up and I'm going to be a scarf making maniac.

Left to Right: Baby camel and mulberry silk; Alpaca; Merino, alpaca and tussah silk.

Actually it's going to be up to 90 mug rugs in 6 patterns and multiple colors

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Actually it's going to be as many as I can make (up to 90) "mug rugs" for my co-workers. Using these six patterns. And multiple colors.

Arachne boosted

@TappinLisa @GottaLaff Eye drop recall follow-up: You can check if your eye drops are recalled or contain sketchy ingredients at I was able to tell that my CVS single-use vial eye drops have no current recalls on them.

The site is run by the Dry Eye Foundation. I found out about it from Dr Eye Health on YouTube. #eyeDrop #recall #FDA

The Pendleton rugs are off the loom. (The weft is te trimmings from Pendleton blankets post fulling).

Hemming and wet finishing still need to be done. These are the largest I've made, they could be (very heavy) blankets. The red and green are 48" x 95". The multi color is shorter because I miss counted a couple of sections of warp and just ran out of warp.

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Arachne boosted

My mom got me this bag of gemstones and rocks, and I’m not exactly sure what kind of gemstone this green one is. I listed what it could possibly be based on this book of rocks and minerals, but I would like your opinions on what it could be. (I apologize for spelling Fluorite wrong).

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The idea behind #9ReplyGuys is that, if you wish, you can use the 9 images in the thread above to quickly categorize & dismiss sexist replies. Misogynists *hate* being called unoriginal.
Thanks from me and @shrewshrew for your support, suggestions, boosts and encouragement 💕

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