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Picture taken at work on March 13, watching the clouds climb over the mountains, heralding the next storm front.

Well, that took longer than expected. Several issues along the way that I will probably need to fix later, but for now, that's done-the warp beam is loaded. I've got company coming over tomorrow, but I can certainly get the heddles threaded before. Trying to decide if I should put my steel bar on my beater for more weight, but I can't find my screws, and don't know if I want to take the time to go to the store for more. Sleying should be quick and easy at 10 epi.

Here is an amazing opportunity: University of Rochester (upstate New York) is offering Nursing students free tuition and guaranteed job placement starting this fall. 33 student cohort. One way to combat the Nursing shortage: grow your own.

Arachne boosted

Happy vernal equinox! Snow predicted for most of the week, and DST has made my mornings dark, but the days are growing longer and almost all the snow from the first of the year has melted.

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A Hungarian animation studio just created a big screen full-length animated movie titled The Four Souls of Coyote. It's a story based on various Native American mythologies. It came out both in Hungarian and in English.

Does anyone know if #indigenous reviewers have seen this? Over here in Hungary none of the media outlets mention if anyone wrote anything about it from a cultural perspective. And it bugs me...

#animation #film I found you! Cool to see you and your work. Hope you are surviving. I see you are dealing with the deadly oblivious, and the weather. Take care.

My fiber vacation has begun! Saturday I finished spinning 4 oz of fiber.. and couldn't get the flyer off my Majacraft to remove the bobbin. Finally did, but then couldn't get the plying flyer on. Today, after a late start, I got my warp wound on spools and started winding on to the warp beam. Going to make some "Pendleton worms" rag rugs, using the trimmings from Pendleton blankets as weft. There's an example in the second picture. Sore back, but happy!

One of the perks of this job. I admired one of our pt's s beadwork, and she did this for me.

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Arachne boosted

On May 1st I hereby pledge that I won't toot anything other than:


I also pledge to boost the toots of everyone tooting #NoWarButClassWar

There's no rich assholes here to stop us. Let's make a statement to the online world that we can organize and nobody's going to stop us. I have nothing to lose. Do you?

Boost this, or repost similar and I'll boost you. Spread the word. May 1st.

Let's begin to #FightBack.

I forgot to post this over the weekend: 3/5/2004 - during the brief window that Multnomah County, Oregon was allowing same-sex marriages. We're in a long line in the Portland drizzle outside the Multnomah courthouse.

In November prop 36 passed putting one-man, one-woman marriage in the state constitution, and a judge annulled all our marriages.

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I’ve just learned Nevada wants to force autistics to disclose it on our driver’s license for “safety”

Because mandating I disclose confidential medical information to cops is going to keep me safer??

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RT @MistressSnowPhD
every day on this website there’s another jew comparing the united states’ war on trans people to the nazis’ final solution, & every time there’s a line wrapping around the block of transphobic reply goys insisting that we, the jews, are misunderstanding the holocaust

The second heavy band of snow is coming down hard - and sideways due to the wind. Poor little juncos, sparrows, and finches just trying not to get blown away. (A couple of more pics in the comments).


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“This Purim, let's ensure that, while celebrating the most
joyous Yomtov, we exercise sensitivity towards our
community and neighbors.”
A joint message to the Jewish community from the ADL, Agudath Israel, Orthodox Union, and others.

#Purim #OU #AgudathIsrael #ADL #antiracism

More images. Sometimes the birds puff up so much trying to get warm they are hard to identify

Arachne boosted

I found this taped to the door of the geography department at GWU today and it brought me so much joy. A guide to figuring out when a map was made based on features. Zoom in. It’s amazing.

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