Huh. This is something I did not know (but then, I am not a Talmudic scholar) The Talmud recognizes 8 genders.


@Arachne That's fair enough. I'm not really interested in Hallachic debates. As I see it, middle age interpretations of the bible are no better or worse than modern ones. I'm also not very interested in debating Christians (or even Orthodox Jews) about Judaism. My view is that my tradition is my heritage, and I'm not obliged to follow it any more than I like. I can change it, re-interpret it, or even abandon it. But then, I grew up in Israel, so maybe I have a different perspective than you.

@noam I get it. I just see it as fighting with their tools. Same as the parent that got the Bible banned in a county in Utah.

I hate the hypocrisy of all fundamentalists. I know their minds won't be changed, but I like challenging their death grip on religion - just like the U.S. right has tried to own "patriotism"

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