Huh. This is something I did not know (but then, I am not a Talmudic scholar) The Talmud recognizes 8 genders.


@Arachne Hmmm... I think it's misleading to say this is discussing eight 'genders'. The entire discussion is about biology, not identity. There's nothing in the piece about what the person wants or how they identify. It's simply the regular Talmudic analysis of 'case law', if you will, that is: how to apply Jewish law to the people who's bits don't neatly fit into fertile male and female.

@noam I see your point, but like a good Jew I'll argue with you. if the concept of gender (vs. bio sex) is not extant, can it be not discussed? (sorry for the double negative). Also, while it was a translation, I see the author speaking about people who chose to change gender, despite bio sex so doesn't that count?

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