
I don't have mending for this week's prompt, so I just went with sewn. This blanket was both spun and woven by me. Used different breeds: Corriedale, Grey Finn, Jacob, Gotland, and Shetland. Hemmed and two panels sewn together with handspun tussah silk. My cat MO Boudreaux claimed it from day one - here is after wet finishing and has been laid out to dry: still wet but cat says "mine."
. @fibreart

@Arachne I thought that was a loom and your cat was sleeping on your weaving project.

Oh, that's funny. I have been very lucky with all my cats and strings. Very little interference when or . One of my cats liked to climb on the castle of the loom, such that I put a rug up there to lay on. This is my main loom, a 16 shaft Macomber

Macomber are beasts. There are prettier looms out there, but none that will outlast them. Rock maple and lots of metal. This one was born the same year as me -1957

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