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Alexei Navalny's Widow Vows to Continue His Movement In Powerful Video Message
"My husband was unbreakable. And that’s exactly why Putin killed him...But the main thing we can do for Alexei and for ourselves is to keep fighting"

X briefly suspends account of Alexei Navalny's widow
X said it was blocked "mistakenly" due to a system "error".
A post on the site's official safety account read: "Our platform's defense mechanism against manipulation and spam mistakenly flagged @yulia_navalnaya as violating our rules.
"We unsuspended the account as soon as we became aware of the error, and will be updating the defense."

As Liz Cheney slams GOP's 'Putin wing,' poll shows support for Ukraine
"Democratic voters are more likely than GOP voters to see the Russia-Ukraine war as important to U.S. national interests. But the split wasn’t overwhelming: 81% of Democrats vs. 69% of the extent that the Republican Party has a “Putin wing,” it’s succeeding in blocking bipartisan legislation on Capitol Hill, but it’s finding less success in convincing the American mainstream"

Alexei Navalny: This is what a post-Putin Russia should look like
"The future model for Russia is not “strong power” and a “firm hand,” but harmony, agreement and consideration of the interests of the whole society. Russia needs a parliamentary republic. That is the only way to stop the endless cycle of imperial authoritarianism:"
Gift link:

Callyson boosted

Paramount kept their staff on hand to handle stressful conditions, surely kept lots of folks on-call to ensure the Superbowl could be streamed on their service, had record viewership numbers and then immediately laid off 800 of the people who helped give them that success the next day so that the executive leadership could pocket all the profits without sharing it with the labor force who built it.

Seriously. Eat the rich.

Callyson boosted
Callyson boosted

“Always go to other people’s funerals, otherwise they won’t come to yours.”

—Yogi Berra, quoted in Trump’s Supreme Court Motion for Stay

Hur’s political hatchet job. Garland’s blunder. Media complicity.
"it was Hur’s gratuitous smear about Biden’s age and memory—most egregiously, his far-fetched allegation that Biden could not recall the date of his son Beau’s death—that transformed a snide report into a political screed. Speculating about how a jury might have perceived the president years after the incidents took place was entirely irrelevant because the lack of evidence meant there would be no case:"

That friendly airline ‘rep’ on X might be scamming you
Offering to help rebook your flight in a thread is a red flag
"For any request that requires a response, such as assistance resolving a complaint or travel issue, use the airlines’ official webpage or app. It may not be as superficially satisfying as airing your grievance in the public square of social media, but at least you’ll be safe from potential predators:"

A Constellation of Anti-Voting Groups Threaten Democracy
"These anti-voting legal groups offer a path for Republicans to wield majority political power without majority support. They know that they lost in 2020. They are embarrassed that Trump was routed in post-election litigation. Some are upset that his coup failed on Jan. 6."

Biden Campaign Scorches Media For Ignoring Trump’s Horrifying Behavior
"Are Y'all Actually Paying Attention? Like With Your Eyes and Ears???"

The Real “Robert Hur Report” (Versus What You Read in the News)
How the Special Counsel report has been misinterpreted

Cast as Criminals, America’s Librarians Rally to Their Own Defense
“We’re no longer seeing a parent have a conversation with a teacher or librarian about a book their child is reading...We’re seeing partisan groups demand the removal of books that they’re told are bad books, that they are not even reading, because they don’t meet the political or moral agenda"
This is ridiculous:

Pretty sure they will accept payment in the form of a FOX gig or a lucrative corporate lobbying position, assuming they don't decide to stay in Congress until they fossilize:

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